Thursday, July 21, 2016

What Scares Me About Technology? A.I., Robots and Privacy, Oh My!

Privacy! That is what scares me the most about technology. Artificial intelligence and robots don’t concern me near as much as my privacy and the privacy of my family. The way that things are going, nobody will have even a shred of privacy. There are people hacking into other people’s computers and stealing their personal information on a regular basis. There are facial recognition cameras in multiple stores and even on computer websites, like Facebook. I understand that being necessary in some cases, like in order to catch a criminal, but it still violates privacy. The movie Fast and Furious 7 they have a program called “God’s eye” that taps into every device on the planet to seek out particular individuals. It wouldn’t surprise me if we were capable of that already. That means that people can access your phone, computer or any other technological device at any time. That scares me a little bit. I can only imagine if the wrong people were able to tap into everyone’s personal information like that. What if I had a stalker and all they had to do was be a little tech savvy and be able to figure out when I was alone based on my phone or computer. Or even worse spy on me through my webcam on my computer, which I know has happened to people in the past. Thinking about all of this makes me contemplate getting rid of all technology and moving away to live in the woods, off the radar. The only problem is, nowhere is off the radar anymore. Plus, I am way too dependent on Facebook and constant human interaction anyways.

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